Communication of Science

From November 2000 to June 2002 I had a stay at the School of Science Communication of the International School of Advanced Studies (Sissa) in Trieste, Italy. My research project, under the supervision of Stefano Fantoni and Pietro Greco, was on the history of Humanities Computing. At present, I participate in the Areaperta committee, organizing public lectures on science at the CNR research area in Pisa.

Research papers

E. Salerno
Digital humanities: Mission accomplished? An analysis of scholarly literature
Cultures of Science, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2024, pp. 34-48, DOI: 10.1177/20966083241234379

E. Salerno
Digital Humanities: Mission Accomplished? A scholarly literature analysis
Preprint, 2023, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27110.19528

E. Salerno
Come i computer hanno influenzato le discipline umanistiche, translation by M. Cais: How computers affected the humanities
JCOM - Journal of Science Communication, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 2002, DOI: 10.22323/2.01030201

Come ti leggo un palinsesto
Areaperta, 25 October 2017. (Physical-Mathematical strategies to investigate ancient documents) Youtube
Planck: Il cocktail cosmico è servito
TV @ Area, CNR, Pisa, February 2011. (ISTI role in Planck data processing) Youtube

Public lectures - Educational material
E. Salerno
Decidere insieme
ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, May 2024. (Lecture for high-school students: Multicriteria decision making)

E. Salerno
Come ti leggo un palinsesto, e altre storie dal passato
ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, 2016-B5-002, November 2016. (Lecture for high-school students: how to look at a palimpsest)

E. Salerno
Si può vivere senza pregiudizi? Risposte dalla teoria dell'informazione
ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, 2014-B5-001, December 2014. Revised version, October 2019 (Lecture on inverse problems for high-school students)

E. Salerno, A. Tonazzini
Virtual document restoration
Egypt-Italy Science Year 2009, Sama'khana Italian Egyptian Center for Restoration and Archaeology, Cairo, 1st July 2009.

E. Salerno, A. Tonazzini
Digital restoration of historical documents
Egypt-Italy Science Year 2009, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt, 29th June 2009.

E. Salerno
Come mai da millenni stiamo tutti col naso all'insù?
Slides for the Microwave class, School of Communication Engineering, Pisa, 21st March 2005. (Introduction to the Planck mission)

Radio interview
Anatomia di un palinsesto
Radiotre Scienza, 4 May 2004. (image processing on the Archimedes palimpsest) listen (realaudio)

Journalistic papers
E. Salerno, G. Fusco
Universal housing technologies
Ercim News, No. 115, October 2018, pp. 50-51.

C. Caudai, E. Salerno
Computational estimation of chromosome structure
Ercim News, No. 104, January 2016, pp. 21-22.

M. Trocan, E. Salerno, E. Cetin
MUSCLE working group International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding
Ercim News, No. 100, January 2015, pp. 52-53.

E. Salerno, A. Tonazzini
Highly Degraded Recto-verso Document Image Processing and Understanding
Ercim News, No. 95, October 2013, pp. 38-39.

P. Perner, E. Salerno
MUSCLE working group co-organised Mass Data Analysis conference
Ercim News, No. 91, October 2012, p. 6.

E. Salerno
Comment on MDA'2012. Mass data analysis of images and signals, July 2012.

E. Salerno
International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding
Ercim News, No. 89, April 2012, p. 7.

E. Salerno
Scientific computing for astrophysical map analysis
Ercim News, No. 81, April 2010, pp. 20-21. (ISTI's procedures operational at the Planck data processing center)

E. Salerno, S. Wilson
Clemus - Computational Learning Methods for Unsupervised Segmentation
Ercim News, No. 71, October 2007, p. 6.

S. Genovesi, E. Salerno
Particle Swarm Optimization for the Reconstruction of Permittivity Range Profiles from Microwave Measurements
Ercim News, No. 64, January 2006, pp. 42-43.

A. Tonazzini, L. Bedini, E. Salerno
Image Analysis on the Archimedes Palimpsest
Ercim News, No. 58, July 2004, pp. 53-54.

E. Salerno
Quando l'astrofisica chiede aiuto all'informatica
Ricerca & Futuro, No. 28, giugno 2003, p. 21. (The Neurostar project)

E. Salerno
Concerto per macchine e colori
Jekyll online, febbraio 2003. (One year after maestro Pietro Grossi's death)

E. Salerno
Una nuova casa per il Tau2
Jekyll online, febbraio 2003. (One year after maestro Pietro Grossi's death)

E. Salerno, L. Bedini, E. Kuruoglu, A. Tonazzini
Blind image analysis helps research in cosmology
Ercim News, No. 49, pp. 44-45, April 2002. (Blind processing in the Planck project)

E. Salerno
Cosa hanno in comune un radiologo e un ferroviere?, 23/11/2001. (Inverse problems at work)

E. Salerno
Il radar è un occhio?, 23/11/2001. (The Synthetic Aperture Radar)

E. Salerno
Passeggiate virtuali sui fondali di Miramare
Jekyll , No. 6, Giugno 2001, pag VIII, inserto scientifico de Il Libretto, Anno 7, No. 5, 2001. (Miramare natural park in Trieste, Italy)

E. Salerno
Cento di questi Nobel
Jekyll , No. 6, Giugno 2001, pag VII, inserto scientifico de Il Libretto, Anno 7, No. 5, 2001. (Nobel Prize Centennial celebrations)

E. Salerno
Apocalisse new economy
Jekyll online. (Book Review: L'era dell'accesso, by Jeremy Rifkin)

E. Salerno
Scienza normale e filosofia rivoluzionaria
Jekyll online. (Book Review: I passi falsi della scienza, by Ermanno Bencivenga)

E. Salerno
Una teoria nata adulta: Intervista con Giuseppe O. Longo
Jekyll online, maggio 2001. (The significance of Shannon's theory)

E. Salerno
Claude Shannon, scienziato e giocoliere
Jekyll online, maggio 2001. (Claude Shannon passed away)

E. Salerno
Piano Marshall e residuati di guerra
Jekyll online, marzo 2001. (First computers in Italy)

E. Salerno
Cinquant'anni di computer, ed è già preistoria
Jekyll online, marzo 2001. (The virtual museum of computer science in Italy)

M. Bramanti, S. Pasini, E. Salerno and A. Tonazzini
CNR-ENEL Collaboration for Thermal Image Reconstruction
Ercim News, No. 11, October 1992, p. 22.

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