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The PisaTel Lab has been closed on December 2010

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Pisa Initiative on Software Architectures for Telecommunications
Link Index Home Page - Image of a fusion between one mobil phone and the Pisa Tower
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Link Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Link National Reasearch Council National Research Council
Link Ericsson Lab Italy Ericsson Lab Italy
Link Università degli Studi di Pisa Università degli Studi di Pisa
Link Home Page Scuola Sant'Anna Scuola Sant'Anna
End Patners - Fine Patners
For more information please contact:
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo"
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via Moruzzi, 1 - Area della Ricerca di Pisa - 56124 Pisa (PI) Italy tel. +39 050 315 2914 - Fax +39 050 315 2810


Joint academic/industrial applied research on common interest topics:

Training of young researchers and personnel on strategic themes:

Establishing a privileged direct communication channel between industry and academia:

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Lab performs research on software for telecommunications. Main areas of interest are software engineering methods and tools, software architectures, networks, real time systems, and protocols.

The research spans on both methodological approaches and tools for software architecture specification, design and test, and on the novel applications and features of specific interest for the industrial telecommunication sector, such as protocols for wireless internet access, as well as real time and embedded multiprocessor systems used for switch operative control.

The research activity is organized into strategic projects that involve personnel from ISTI, Pisa University, Scuola S. Anna, and ERI. A number of young researchers will work full time in the laboratory, and will act as the connecting agents between the senior researchers from academia and industry. These projects will consider real world case studies and problems provided by ERI, and develop and experiment on them innovative ideas and techniques.

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Pisatel objectives will be pursued through the joint conduction by the academia and ERI of a set of strategic research projects, that will be selected on an annual basis.
On the one hand, these projects will show up the complex problems and constraints faced by the industrial partner, while on the other, they will provide an effective benchmark for the validation and refinement of the latest research results from the academic labs.
The projects will consider real world case studies and problems provided by ERI, and, although the researchers will be free to experiment innovative ideas and techniques, they will be monitored and reviewed at short term intervals.
Young researchers are recruited to work on the strategic projects.

Current Projects:
Current Projects, sub index Current Projects, end sub index

Passed Project:
Passed Projects, sub index Passed Projects, end sub index

Integrating Wireless, Wireline and Internet Networks

Three communication networks, namely the emerging "mobile" wireless, the classical "fixed" wireline, and the alternative"computer-centric" internet, are evolving in a relatively independent way. However, their interactions increase day by day.

It is of paramount importance to investigate how these three systems could be integrated so to form a common unique communication space, in which the users of any one of the above networks can easily and "transparently" access the other two.

The main purpose of this project is to investigate such an integration. The initiative is inside the JAIN MAP API international project.

The activities include the implementation of a Java interface for the MAP protocol for wireless networks, and the addition of new services/primitives to JAIN MAP for integrating the three networks into a single communication space.
Addition of new services/primitives to JAIN MAP for integrating the three networks into a single communication space
Addition of new services/primitives to JAIN MAP for integrating the three networks into a single communication space.

Maurizio Bonuccelli, bonucce at di dot unipi dot it
Francesca Martelli, francesca dot martelli at isti dot cnr dot it

Related Publications

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Analysis and Development of Real Time Software

Many embedded applications have real-time characteristics, as they timely interact with their environment: the response to any event must be provided within a deadline, otherwise some data might be lost.

However, most design methodologies and tools do not currently take into account real-time constraints into the design cycle. Many important design and implementation decisions are still taken based on the designer’s experience.

The objective of this research is to provide a methodology for supporting the design and analysis of real-time applications in the telecommunications domain.

Mathematical model of an event-driven real-time application: a set of concurrent processes communicating through events
Mathematical model of an event-driven real-time application: a set of concurrent processes communicating through events
An optimization algorithm for exploring the space of parameters (number of distinct processes, priorities, etc.)
An optimization algorithm for exploring the space of parameters (number of distinct processes, priorities, etc.)

Giuseppe Lipari, lipari at sssup dot it
Cesare Bartolini, cesare dot bartolini at isti dot cnr dot it

Related Publications

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Quality And Validation of Software Architecture

The Software Architecture emerges as a crucial notion to specify and analyze complex systems: SA provides at a high level of abstraction a tractable description of the static and dynamic aspects that are relevant for design decisions and for system-level evaluations

SA = Structure + Behavior

The goal of this project is to develop and experiment rigorous approaches to the early evaluation, testing, and validation of large complex applications centered on the description of the SA.

The investigation also encompasses methods and tools for evaluating the functional and non-functional properties of SAs obtained by the assembly of reused or acquired components, according to the promising paradigm of Component-based Software Engineering.

Emphasis is on the transferability of the proposed methodologies: practical notations, such as UML, and widely used tools are adopted, and prototype tools and technologies are developed.
Schematic view of an environment based on diagrammatic UML - like notations to support design and testing

Schematic view of an environment based on diagrammatic UML - like notations to support design and testing.

Antonia Bertolino, antonia dot bertolino at isti dot cnr dot it
Eda Marchetti, eda dot marchetti at isti dot cnr dot it

Related Publications

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Video Transcoding

In the last few years, telecommunication systems are gaining increasing importance in everyday life. Many new digital multimedia communication services and devices, such as videomessaging, videoconference, gaming, remote teaching and digital television, have appeared in the market.

It is needed to adapt the media content to different network characteristics, channel bandwidth and access terminals in order to enable delivery with acceptable service quality. Video transcoder's aim is to convey an incoming compressed video bitstream to the outgoing link without the need of fully decoding and re-encoding (a very time- and processing-consuming activity).

A typical application of video transcoding process

Video transcoding for Mobile, fig. 1

Video transcoding converts a compressed video bit stream:

The goal of this project is to develop efficient solutions for achieve an optimal video quality in real-time video transcoding.

Next (third) generation of mobile telephone systems are based on CDMA radio channel access technique that adapt dynamically the channel bandwidth according to the number of users. We investigate new transcoding solutions in order to have a good quality of the video communications forced to smaller channel bandwidth.

We started with studying MPEG-4 video codec and with implementing two temporal video transcoding architectures together with new frame skipping policies. Successively we built an implementation of the same temporal transcoder based on H.263 codec. Moreover, we done an exaustive testing of all architectures combined with all policies.
Currently, we are studying the new H.264 codec and we try to combine the temporal with the quality transcoding.

Transcoding in mobile telephony for channel bandwidth reduction

Video transcoding for Mobile, fig. 2

Maurizio Bonuccelli, bonucce at di dot unipi dot it
Francesca Lonetti, francesca dot lonetti at isti dot cnr dot it
Francesca Martelli, francesca dot martelli at isti dot cnr dot it

Network processors

With the growing relevance and pervasiveness of telecommunications, a good deal of interest has been recently drawn by the study of Network Processors (NPs) since they play an important role in the design of modern routers.

Our research explores the main characteristics of the existing NP architectures and the difficulties intrinsic to design software applications for this kind of platforms.

On the other hand we review the basic principles underlying the well-known Model-Based Development approach investigating how such techniques can be applied to embedded systems.

In this context, we have launched a research initiative to investigate the applicability of models and meta-models in the context of NPs.


Sharareh Afsharian, sharareh dot afsharian at ericsson dot com
Antonia Bertolino, antonia dot bertolino at isti dot cnr dot it
Guglielmo De Angelis, guglielmo dot deangelis at isti dot cnr dot it
Paola Iovanna, paola dot iovanna at ericsson dot com
Raffaela Mirandola, raffaela at info dot uniroma2 dot it
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Events, sub index Events, end sub index


VII Workshop Ericsson Lab Italy of 06/10/05, Italian - html format, pdf format - 86 KB

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Past events

VI Workshop Ericsson Lab Italy of 12/09/04, Italian - html format, pdf format - 336 KB
V Workshop Ericsson Lab Italy of 11/19/03, Italian - html format, pdf format - 336 KB
IV Workshop Ericsson Lab Italy of 05/27/03, Italian - html format, pdf format - 339 KB
III Workshop Ericsson Lab Italy of 12/12/02, Italian - html format, pdf format - 394 KB
ISSTA 2002 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA 2002 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis July 22 - 24, 2002 Rome, Italy colocated with WOSP 2002 Workshop on Software Performance, July 24-26, 2002
II Workshop Ericsson Lab Italy of 11/22/01, Italian - html format, pdf format - 68.4 kb
Inaugurazione Laboratorio 03/12/01, Italian - html format, pdf format - 84.0 kb -
Agenda of Kick of Meeting IEI-CNR - Ericsson Lab Italy of the 03/27/01, Html format with available download of ppt slides, Agenda in pdf format

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Pisatel Lab Staff - Photos - 2002  Pisatel Lab 2002 - 2003  Pisatel Lab 2003


Table following!
Name Role Affiliation E-mail
Sharareh Afsharian Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy sharareh dot afsharian at ericsson dot com
Paola Iovanna Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy paola dot iovanna at ericsson dot com
Ivano Bartoli Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy ivano dot bartoli at ericsson dot com
Antonia Bertolino PISATEL coordinator / Project leader ISTI-CNR antonia dot bertolino at isti dot cnr dot it
Maurizio Bonuccelli Project leader DI, University of Pisa bonucce at di dot unipi dot it
Giovanni Iacovoni Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy giovanni dot iacovoni at ericsson dot com
Giuseppe Lipari Project leader Sant'Anna School lipari at sssup dot it
Gaetano Lombardi Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy gaetano dot lombardi at ericsson dot com
Daniela Mulas Webmaster - Publications Editor ISTI - CNR selab-assistant at isti dot cnr dot it
Salvatore Morsa Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy salvatore dot morsa at ericsson dot com
Emilia Peciola ERI coordinator Ericsson Lab Italy emilia dot peciola at ericsson dot com
Alberto Ribolini System adm/developer ISTI-CNR alberto dot ribolini at isti dot cnr dot it
Roberto Sabella Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy roberto dot sabella at ericsson dot com
Fabio Ubaldi Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy fabio dot ubaldi at ericsson dot com
Carlo Vitucci Researcher Ericsson Lab Italy carlo dot vitucci at ericsson dot com

PhD Students & Grant Owners:

Name Role Affiliation E-mail
Cesare Bartolini PhD student ERI Grant ISTI-CNR cesare dot bartolini at isti dot cnr dot it
Guglielmo De Angelis PhD student ERI Grant ISTI-CNR guglielmo dot deangelis at isti dot cnr dot it
Giodi Giorgi PhD student ERI Grant Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Pisa giodi dot giorgi at isti dot cnr dot it
Francesca Lonetti DI, University of Pisa ISTI-CNR francesca dot lonetti at isti dot cnr dot it
Francesca Martelli PhD student ISTI-CNR francesca dot martelli at isti dot cnr dot it
Andrea Polini PhD student ERI Grant ISTI-CNR andrea dot polini at isti dot cnr dot it


Name Role E-mail
Paola Inverardi DMPA University of L'Aquila inverard at univaq dot it
Raffaela Mirandola DISP University of Tor Vergata, Roma mirandola at info dot uniroma2 dot it
Stefano Giordano DIP. Ingegneria dell'Inform azione,Pisa stefano dot giordano at iet dot unipi dot it
End of Collaborators Table

Former Collaborators:

Name Affiliation Role
Piero Lauri Ericsson Lab Italy Researcher
Francesca Basanieri ISTI-CNR Developer
Giovanni Nucera Ericsson Lab Italy Researcher
Enrico Bini Sant'Anna School PhD by ERI Grant
Eda Marchetti ISTI-CNR Researcher

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End of Sub index
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For more information please contact:

Ing. Antonia Bertolino

a dot bertolino at isti dot cnr dot it

Direct +39 050 315 2914
Direct Fax +39 050 315 2924

Webmaster: SElab-assistant
Direct tel. +39 050 315 3466

Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo",
C.N.R., Area della Ricerca di Pisa
Via G. Moruzzi, 1
56124 Pisa (PI) Italy
Phone +39 050 315 2213 - Fax +39 050 315 2810

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