Professional experience

Open for submission

AgriAI 24

Workshop, Topic, Collection, Special Issues

  • 3rd Workshop on AI in Agriculture (AgriAI’25) in the context of the 20th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems FedCSIS, IEEE, Krakov, Poland, 14–17 September, 2025

Selected Publications

For the full list see IRIS Institutional research information system


  • Ercolini L., Grossi N., Martinelli M., Moroni D., Berton A., Silvestri N. - Improving weed control efficiency in maize fields: a methodological approach to site-specific weed management - 15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - Barcelona, Spain


  • You’ve Got the Wrong Outfit: Evaluating Deep Learning Paradigms on Digit and Fashion Recognition - Ignesti G., Martinelli M., Moroni D. - 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition - Image Mining. Theory and Applications, Kolkata, India
  • Environmental study and stress-related biomarkers modifications in a crew during analog astronaut mission EMMPOL 6 - Giacon T.A., Mrakic Sposta S., Bosco G., Vezzoli A., Dellanoce , Campisi M., Narici M., Paganini M., Foing B., Kołodziejczyk A., Martinelli M., Pavanello S. - European Journal of Applied Physiology, Springer Nature
  • Plant-traits: how citizen science and artificial intelligence can impact natural science - Ignesti G.;Moroni D.;Martinelli M. - IEEE FedCSIS AgriAI - Belgrade, Serbia
  • You've Got the Wrong Number: Evaluating Deep Learning Training Paradigms Using Handwritten Digit Recognition Data - Ignesti G., Martinelli M., Moroni D. - 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition - Image Mining. Theory and Applications, Kolkata, India
  • Towards the actual deployment of robust, adaptable, and maintainable AI models for sustainable agriculture - Ignesti G., Moroni D., Martinelli M. - IEEE FedCSIS AgriAI - Belgrade, Serbia
  • Bruno A., Caudai C., Conti F., Martinelli M., Leone G.R., Magrini M., Moroni D., Muhammad A.H., Papini O., Pascali M.A., Pieri G., Reggiannini M., Righi M., Salerno E., Scozzari A., Tampucci M. - Advancing Sustainability: Research Initiatives at the Signals and Images Lab - Ital-IA 2024
  • Dainelli R.*, Bruno A., Martinelli M.* , Moroni D., Rocchi L., Morelli S., Ferrari E., Silvestri M., Agostinelli S., La Cava P., Toscano P.- GranoScan: an AI-powered mobile app for in-field identification of biotic threats of wheat - Frontiers in Plant Science - Pests and Diseases Monitoring and Forecasting Algorithms, Technologies, and Applications
  • Reggiannini M., Salerno E., Bacciu C., D'Errrico A., Lo Duca A., Marchetti A., Martinelli M., Righi M., Tampucci M.,Mercurio C., Di Paola C. Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding



  • Ignesti G., Bruno A., Deri C., D'Angelo G., Bastiani L., Pratali L., Memmini S., Cicalini D., Dini A., Galesi G., Pardini F., Benassi O., Moroni D. and Martinelli M. - An intelligent platform of services based on multimedia understanding and telehealth for supporting the management of SARS-CoV-2 multi-pathological patients - IEEE International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems
  • Bruno A., Moroni D. and Martinelli M. - Revisiting ensembling for improving the performance of deep learning models - 26TH International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 21-25 Aug, Montreal, Canada
  • Bruno A., Moroni D., Dainelli R., Rocchi L., Morelli S. , Ferrari E., Toscano P. and Martinelli M. - Improving Plant Disease Classification by Adaptive Minimal Ensembling - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence doi: 10.3389/frai.2022.868926 - Plantvillage SOTA
  • Giacomo Ignesti, Antonio Bruno, Chiara Deri, Gennaro D'Angelo, Luca Bastiani, Lorenza Pratali, Silvia Memmini, Davide Cicalini, Alessandro Dini, Giulio Galesi, Marco Tampucci, Francesca Pardini, Davide Moroni and Massimo Martinelli - An intelligent platform of services based on multimedia understanding and telehealth for supporting the management of SARS-CoV-2 multi-pathological patients - 16th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET BASED SYSTEMS, Dijon, France – October 19-21
  • Bruno, A., Martinelli, M. & Moroni, D. Exploring Ensembling in Deep Learning. Pattern Recognit. Image Anal. 32, 519–521 (2022).





  • Martinelli M., Pratali L., Giardini G., La Monica D., Bastiani L.,Fosson J.P., Bonin S., Cugnetto M., Fiorini A,, Pernechele N., Ranfone M., Caligiana L., De la Pierre F., Stella JM., Salvetti O., Moroni D. - Telemedicine in Italian Mountain area: the e-Res@mont project - ISMM 2018 - Kathmandu, Nepal 21-24/11
  • Reggiannini M., Martinelli M., ..., A Software Platform for Maritime Monitoring and Prompt Target Characterization- Φ-week event ESA-ESRIN, 12-16 November 2018
  • Bastiani L., Marrucci E., Martinelli M., Fortunato L., Bonin S., Cugnetto M., Pernechele N., Ranfone M., Fiorini A., Collin N., Giardini G., Molinaro S., Pratali L. Cross-sectional and prospective study of the association between lifestyle, individual risk factors and Acute mountain sickness - ISMM 2018 - Kathmandu, Nepal 21-24/11
  • Cugnetto M., Bonin S., Giardini G., Collin N., Fiorini L. A., Pernechele N., Ranfone M., Martinelli M., Pratali L.- Teleconsulations in the Mountains: the Role of Nurses Expert in Mountain Medicine - ISMM 2018 - Kathmandu, Nepal 21-24/11
  • Martinelli M., Moroni D. - Volunteered Geographic Information for Enhanced Marine Environment Monitoring - Applied Sciences 2018, 8, 1743
  • D'acunto M., Martinelli M., Moroni D. - Deep Learning approach to Human Osteosarcoma Cell Detection and Classification - International Conference on Multimedia and Network Information Systems (MISSI) 2018, Wroclaw, Poland, Sep 12-14, 2018 - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Multimedia and Network Information Systems Springer pp 353-361
  • Jalil B., Pascali M.A., Leone R., Martinelli M., Moroni D. Salvetti O. - To identify hot spots in power lines using infrared and visible sensors - International Conference on Multimedia and Network Information Systems (MISSI) 2018, Wroclaw, Poland, Sep 12-14, 2018
  • Reggiannini M., Righi M., Tampucci M., Bedini L., Di Paola C., Martinelli M., Mercurio C., Salerno E. - Remote Sensing for Maritime Monitoring and Vessel Prompt Identification - International Conference on Multimedia and Network Information Systems (MISSI) 2018, Wroclaw, Poland, Sep 12-14, 2018
  • Jalil B.; Moroni D.; Pascali M.A.; Salvetti O.; Leone G.R.; Martinelli M; - Multimodal image analysis for power line inspection - ICPRAI 2018, Montréal, Canada, May 15, 2018


TiAssisto Project


  • TiAssisto - Covid-19 Tuscany Region Funding 2020-2024 (Principal Investigator)
  • Barilla AGROSAT Plus / GranoScan (Industrial) 2020-2024 (Principal Investigator)
  • DiOncogen - Innovative Diagnostic (PO FESR) 2020-2024 (Principal Investigator)
  • Smart Converting 4.0 (POR FESR TOSCANA) 2020-2023
  • RadioPoGe - Multicentric Study - Knowledge of the population on radiation protection and dose of the main radiological procedures (2018-2023)
  • OSIRIS (2016-2018) (2020-2022)- ESA Optical/SAR data and system Integration for Rush Identification of Ship models

Past projects (selection)

  • SCIADRO - Regional (2017-2019) - Swarm of Drones
  • E-Res@mont (2016-2018) (Principal Investigator) Interreg Alcotra 2014-2020 - Applications of mountains medicine around the Mont-Blanc
  • Stop Velutina (2015-2017) - A common action strategy to stop the velutina wasp in Italy
  • Semeoticons (2013-2016) (FP7) SEMEiotic Oriented Technology for Individual’s CardiOmetabolic risk self-assessmeNt and Self-monitoring
  • Virtuoso (2015-2017) - A virtual health observer for the prevention of cardio-metabolic activity in the practice of fitness & wellness in touris centers
  • Cryptex LLC, New York (industrial) (2016-2017): decision support systems for fitness
  • APPTour (2015-2016) APPTour (Principal Investigator): industrial proj. for the study and development of independent mobile platforms in dedicated networks for access and use of multimedia content
  • S4E (2013-2016) (Smart Cities and Communities) Safety & Security Systems for Sea Environment
  • Arrows (FP7) - ARchaeological RObot systems for the World's Seas - (2012-2014)
  • Thesaurus - Techniques for underwater archaeological esploration using autonomous robots in swarms (2011-2013)
  • Argomarine FP7 Project: Automatic Recognition and GeOpositioning integrated in a Marine Monitoring Network (2009-2012)
    ARGO Sentinel, an application for the protection of the sea - Argomarine Youtube Channel
  • Chronious FP7 Project: An Open, Ubiquitous and Adaptive Chronic Disease Management Platform for COPD and Renal Insufficiency (2008-2012)
  • Teaching on Web Services and XML technologies for CITEL and AIDA (2006-2011)
  • The ALFEA's information system (2010-2011) (Principal investigator)
  • Heartfaid FP6 Project: A Knowledge Based Platform of Services for Supporting Medical-Clinical Management of Heart Failure Within Elderly Population (2006-2009)
  • M.U.S.C.L.E. (EU) - Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning "aims at creating and supporting the NoE communities to foster close collaboration between research groups in multimedia data mining and machine learning" (2005-08).
  • Services for the Digital Terrestrial Television - Livorno Municipality, Toscana Region, TeleGranducato (2006-2007)
  • Local Informative Services, Municipality of Livorno interface to the Tuscany Region, 2006
  • I.N.D.E.T. (EU) Integrated Non Destructive Evaluation Testing (main European Aerospace Industries involved), 2002-05
  • SIRIA Project (Informative System for The Italian Research in Antartic)(ENEA): hosting of the National Antarctic Data Center (NADC), 2003-2006
  • APEX Project(MIUR) - Improving dependability and security levels developing a process evolutionary archicture for non destructive testing of aeronautical structures, Alenia, 2002-2005
  • "The ARPA System: Adaptive Remote Protocol for Active interfacing" A system for interfacing remotely procedures and data regarding Non Destructive Controls, 2004
  • "Document Service" A Web Service handling the documentation requests to Livorno Municipality, 2004
  • APRED Project - Report Automation - Enel 2002-2005
  • Simplifying the Electronic Identity Card: Municipality of Livorno Registry Office interaction with the Italian Internal Affairs Ministery 2002-2004
  • Interaction between the Livorno Municipality with the Internal Ministry - 2002-2003
  • Emission of the Electronic Identity Card (CIE) at Livorno Municipality, 2002
  • Automatic production of documents in a distributed environment, in collaboration with ENEL Research and Production of Pisa, 2002
  • SID (MIUR) - Scientific consultancy for ENEL Research, 2002
  • SIAE (XML data transmission), Software Certification Center, ISTI, CNR, 2002
  • Web advertisements, Software Certification Center, ISTI, CNR, 2002
  • I.N.D.U.C.E. (EU) Integrated Non destructive Testing Concepts for Unified Life-CiclE (main European Aerospace Industries involved), 1999-02
  • Epidemiology research studies, IFC-CNR, Pisa, 1991-95

Teaching (selection)


  • Master Agritech - Digital Agriculture for Sustainable Developement A.A. 2024-2025


  • Segnali e Immagini - Seminario per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica - Università di Pisa, 20 Maggio 2020
  • Paolicchi F., Martinelli M., Bastiani L. - "Cosa sa la popolazione generale delle radiazioni ionizzanti?" - Corso "Il monitoraggio informatico della dose" Pisa 30/1/2020 - Aula Della Radiodiagnostica 1, Ospedale Di Cisanello, Pisa.


  • Pratali L., Martinelli M.- "Un salto nel futuro, oggi nel presente: la Telemedicina" - Corso di Medicina di Montagna 12-14 Luglio 2019, Rifugio Casati 3269m. (Ortles-Cevedale, Sondrio)
  • Innovazione in telemedicina - Seminario per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica - Università di Pisa, 27 Marzo 2019


  • XSL - Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica - Codifica dei testi - 10/12/2018
  • Un sistema Web per valutare la conoscenza della popolazione sulla radioprotezione e sulla dose radiante delle principali procedure radiologiche - Scuola Medica Università di Pisa - Giugno 2018
  • Twitter quickly - CNR-ISTI - Giugno 2018
  • Tecnologie innovative per la telemedicina - Seminario per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica - Università di Pisa, Marzo 2018



  • HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, HTML5 Master in Comunicazione e New Media Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Roma, Maggio 2012


  • HTML5 Pisa 29/03



  • Corsi Comune Livorno: Web Services, strumenti per CITEL e AIDA (E-Government E.Toscana), strumenti di ausilio alla programmazione e tecnologie Web



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Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo"
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via G. Moruzzi, 1 - 56124 Pisa, Itly


+39 050 621 2803