Current projects
Past projects2024-2026 : Toscana Region Project Green, Utility, Accessibility, Resilience, Digital Integration, Ability, Nature, Sustainability (GUARDIANS)
2020-2022 : Toscana Region Project Low Impact Fully Enhanced Design Modeling (LIFE-DeMo)
2020-2022 : ESA Project, OSIRIS Follow On Optical/SAR data and system Integration for Rush Identification of Ship models (OSIRIS-FO)
2016-2018 : ESA Project Optical/SAR data and system Integration for Rush Identification of Ship models (OSIRIS)
2012-2016: Flagship Project Interomics
2012-2015: PIA Calabria Project Innovative Tools for cultural heritage ArChiving and restorAtion (ITACA)
1999-2014: ESA Project Planck Surveyor Satellite - Physics World Top 10 Breakthrough of the Year 2013 - Le Scienze Notizia scientifica dell'anno 2013 - 2018 Gruber Cosmology Prize
2012 : ESA Project Euclid
2009-2011: PIA Calabria Project Multispectral Acquisition, Enhancement, Indexation and Retrieval of Artworks (AMMIRA)
2007-2010 : ASI Project Cosmology and Fundamental Physics
2008 : POR Calabria 2000-2006 Project Restoration Tools for Arts (RES.T.-ARTS)
2004-2008: CNR-MIUR Project SP1a Nondestructive diagnosis of architectural objects
2004-2008: European 6FP Network of Excellence Multimedia understanding through semantics computation and learning (MUSCLE NoE)
2003-2004: European 5FP CRAFT Project Integrated system for recovery and archiving degraded texts (ISyReADeT)
2001-2003: CNR Special Project An electromagnetic measurement system for the characterization of masonry structures
2000-2003: ASI Project Innovative neural-network methods for image analysis in space applications (Neurostar)
1995-2000: IEI-CNR Project Numerical models to solve inverse problems in image reconstruction and computer vision
1997-1998: CNR Special Project Module integration for environment perception and robot navigation
1995-1996: CNR Special Project Sensor data and prior knowledge fusion
1988-1995: Industrial contracts (Enel) Noninvasive methods for combustion process diagnosis
1990-1995: CNR Finalized Program Robotics
1993-1994: CNR Special Project Sensors and information processing for autonomous robot guidance
1994 : CNR Strategic Program Neural networks
1994 : CNR Strategic Program Mathematics for technology and society
1988-1993: CNR Finalized Program Informatic systems and parallel computing
1984-1993: Industrial contracts (Aeritalia - Alenia) Nondestructive testing on aerospace structures
1987 : CNR Strategic Program Signal and image processing