Dr. Mieke Massink

Senior Researcher

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto ISTI (former CNUCE)
Formal Methods && Tools Group
Area della Ricerca CNR
Via Moruzzi 1
I-56124 Pisa (PI)

phone: +39 0503152981
fax  : +39 0503138091 or +39 0503138092
email: mieke.massink isti.cnr.it

Last update:  December 2023 by Mieke Massink

Brief Biography

Mieke Massink studied Computer Science at the University of Nijmegen  (now Radboud University Nijmegen) where she
graduated in 1988 in Computer Science. In 1989 she was research assistant at the University of Twente and teaching assistant
at the University of Nijmegen. From 1989 to 1995 she was employed by the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
in the research group on declarative formalisms at the University of Nijmegen were she received her
Ph. D. degree in 1996 supervised by Prof. dr. ir. R. T. Boute. The topic of her thesis concerned a study on a Functional Approach to Concurrency Theory
combining declarative specification techniques with those of process algebra.
During her Ph. D. studies she spent several times a few months at C.N.R.-Ist. CNUCE,
Pisa, Italy as Visiting Researcher. From 1996 to 1997 she was Visiting Researcher at CNUCE in the context of the
European Human Capital and Mobility (HCM) programme for the IRIS project (Interactionally Rich Immersive Systems)
in the IRS Research Network (Interactively Rich Systems). Her scientific activity within that network was to apply and develop
formal methods for the specification, design and verification of Human Computer Interfaces.
In 1997 and 1998 she has been teaching a course on Social Responsibility of Computer Scientists at the University of Pisa.
In 1998 she was Visiting Researcher at the University of York, U.K., in the context of the European TMR research
network TACIT (Theory and Application of Continuous Interaction Techniques) were she was hosted by the
Human Computer Interaction group. She continued her TMR TACIT fellowship from 1998 to June 2000 at CNUCE.
In June 2000 she joined CNUCE as a researcher. In 2002 CNUCE and IEI joined to form the research institute ISTI where
she continued her research in the Formal Methods and Tools Group. She is currently Senior Researcher in the same group.

Present Research Interests

My current main research interests are in formal specification and verification of semantic models and the design of related tools for concurrent systems, in particular:
Computers and computer technology can be used in many ways and have often quite some impact on the way society is being
shaped. I'm interested in studying the issues at stake and involve a wider public in discussion and decision making on these issues.

Selected recent presentations

Invited presentations:

Conferences and Workshops:

Membership of Programme Committees

Participation in Projects

Participation to Previous Projects


Previous Courses and Tutorials


Over 80 published papers in the areas of formal verification methods, large scale formal verification of Collective Adaptive Systems, Spatial and Spatio-temporal Model Checking, Global Computing, formal verification in HCI, continuous interaction, formal semantics of UML, testing theory, computer science and society. A selection of these papers can be downloaded from my list of publications at the ISTI publications site (upto 2016) and from my list of publications via the ISTI Open Portal. See also the list on DBLP.