Please click on a zone of the map to...jump around!

Ok, I will give you some hints about the click-able map, points where you can jump from are:

  1. AMSTERDAM !!!!!!!

  2. Tuscany (for dumb people: region of central Italy around Firenze and Livorno)

  3. Emilia (idem: region of northern Italy around Bologna and...Vignola!)

  4. Barcelona (in italian on the map, thus Barcellona)

  5. Madrid

  6. Leeds (Beer - beer - one more beer - drink the fuckin' beer - cheer the fuckin' beer...)

  7. Paris (in Italian Latin Lutetia) new photos added

  8. Besançon (in the gray, cold and snowy Alps!)

  9. Warsaw (in far Poland/Polonia: in italian Varsavia)

  10. Vienna

  11. Santander (Northen Spain)

  12. Munich (Southern Germany: Monaco in italian)

  13. Thessalonika (In Griekenland/Greece/Grecia: in italian Salonicco)

Sorry for all the canarian for not being included in the map...but they resulted farther than Africa!!!! I will try to put another page with the Atlantic Ocean and some Canary Island spoilt on it. More links will follow (Venezia, Treviso, Ireland, Reggio Calabria (n'drangheta place...), Sweden, Finland, Germanian places...)

Copyright 2001 by Gabriele Pieri (updated Oct. 2007)