We are sorry to inform you that on April 18, 2018, due to an insufficient number of submissions, the QAPL 2018 event at FLoC has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvience this may have caused.


The scope of the QAPL workshop is to discuss new developments on the quantitative evaluation of systems, with an emphasis on quantitative aspects of computation, broadly construed.

We solicit papers on theory, engineering methodologies, tools, case studies, and experience reports where quantitative properties such as bandwidth, cost, energy, memory, performance, probability, reliability, security, and time are first-class citizens.


Topics of interest include (but are by no means limited to):


In order to encourage participation and discussion, this workshop solicits two types of submissions - regular papers and presentations:

  1. Regular paper: Submissions must be original work, and must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Regular paper submission must not exceed 12 pages (excluding the bibliography), additional technical material, proofs etc. can be provided in a clearly marked appendix which will be read by reviewers at their discretion. Regular papers will be reviewed by the PC.
  2. Presentation reports concern recent or ongoing work on relevant topics and ideas, for timely discussion and feedback at the workshop. There is no restriction as for previous/future publication of the contents of a presentation. Typically, a presentation is based on a paper which recently appeared (or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of another recognised conference, or which has not yet been submitted. The (extended) abstract of presentation submissions should not exceed 4 pages. Presentation reports will be selected by the PC Chairs (based on the availability of presentation time).

All submissions must be in PDF format and use the EPTCS style files. Submissions can be made through the EasyChair submission page .

Accepted regular papers will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). Please use the EPTCS latex style for both your preliminary submission and the camera ready paper.

A special issue in a renowned international journal is planned in case of a sufficient number of high quality submissions.

Invited Speakers

Programme Co-Chairs
Programme Committee